26 – 29 May 2017 “Dance of the Soul” Celebrating the Sacred through Movement Paneurhythmy is a sacred dance. Its music and movement were created by the Spiritual Master Peter Deunov (1864–1944 Bulgaria). The word Paneurhythmy signifies “Supreme Cosmic Rhythm.” PAN means total, universal, cosmic; EU means true, supreme, emanating from the essence of all […]
Author: UWB
There are so many things to discover when watching the sunrise, so many exercises that enable us to immerse ourselves in this life, this light and this warmth! As the day dawns, a great event is being prepared in the sky. Clouds, sombre or bright, appear and disappear, and all the colours of dawn are […]
Spring is the season of renewal, the time for the energies concentrated in the seed to be released. But in order for this release to occur, the seed must first die. This death is the necessary condition for the sprout to appear and form roots, stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruit… Until then, the seed […]